972-257-3517 2700 Warren Circle Irving, Texas 75062

RMS Covid-19 Program Options

We appreciate all of the medical volunteers to offer support and advice, as well as all the parents that have sent articles and resources to assist in the decision making of the academic year.   

RMS has decided for the Fall 2020-2021 in the Elementary and Childrens House ProgramsWe will offer ALL 3 choices for the Fall Semester.  (ie. On Campus, Off Campus, and Hybrid)

A few things to note:  We cannot bounce around in programs throughout the fall semester and effectively maintain our ratios.  We, as a school community will re-evaluate at the beginning of October to determine if families want to make changes in the chosen program schedule. 

However, if your student is enrolled in an on campus or hybrid program, we want you to know that at any time, you may switch to online/ at home for the rest of the semester. 

Full Time On Campus Elementary Program: Instruction will be held ON campus Monday-Thursday, with Friday AT Home and VIRTUAL Fun Day Fridays.  (4 days per week on campus + Friday Virtual)

Full Time On Campus Childrens House Program: Instruction will be held ON campus Monday-Friday, with an optional Friday AT Home and VIRTUAL Fun Day Fridays.  (5 days per week or 4 days per week on campus + Friday Virtual)

Hybrid On Campus Program: Instruction will be held ON campus either Cohort A: Monday & Tuesday or Cohort B: Wednesday & Thursday (2 consecutive days on campus + 2 days virtual + Friday Virtual)

At Home Learning Program:  Instruction will be held OFF campus 5 days per week virtually.  Packets and At Home Learning Hands On Material Kits will be picked up once per week and returned the following week.